Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Is Your Tool Chest Full?

I Bought a Router

No, not the kind to link computers to a network. The kind you use with woodworking projects. It was the fanciest router I had ever seen. Bought it, took it home and then I realized I hadn’t done a woodworking project since junior high school.

And I really am not sure if I will ever do another one. But I now have a pretty fancy tool.

This made me stop and think about the tools you have at your disposal. Sales is a wonderful business. It is so wonderful companies spend multi-millions of dollars on product brochures and sales literature. Be honest, you have some of it stuck in a desk drawer somewhere gathering dust. These are great tools.

But back to the router. It is a tool. A very nice tool. And I have no idea if it will ever get used.
How are you using your tools? If this afternoon you went to the hardware store and bought a router would it make you a master woodworker? Of course not. Your sales career is much the same. You can have all the tools but until you learn to use them they will sit idle. You will accomplish very little, if anything at all.

The greatest tool you have is yourself. Work on you first, the rest will come.

  • Do you study every day? The products you sell? Some form of prospecting or closing technique?
  • Do you read motivational material? Attitude is the fuel that drives your career. Do something to be inspired every day.
  • Help someoneIs one of your fellow salespeople having a difficult time? Help them. Teach them about a product, share a sales tip or just encourage them. YOU will learn something from all 3 of these.

Doing more of what you are doing is going to get you more of what you’ve got...If you don’t like what you’ve got you better change what you’re doing!


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