I had a comment made to me by a new sales trainer. She said, "Some people just don't get."
That is true. But I also had to remind her of a couple of things.
First, not everyone has the same amount of desire for or commitment to success.
Second, not everyone learns at the same rate. She wanted to know what was reasonable to expect in terms of time for people to "get up to speed." I told her the same thing about learning I told her about the desire and commitment comment above, not everyone has the same amount of desire to learn or "get up to speed.'
What I did offer her was a short list of the stages of learning. I advised her to categorize each of her people according to their level of knowledge and begin the training from that point.
Still awaiting the results from her but here are the levels of learning suggested to her.
People are not aware of the skills required. Most of your new hires and "rookies" fall into this category.
They are now aware that they lack a skill or level of knowledge. They realize that learning a new skill or improving a previous one will improve their effectiveness.
They can perform the skill “at will”. It is not yet second nature but they have the mechanics of the skill or knowledge .
The skill has become second nature. The salesperson has mastered the skill or knowledge and can use it effectively during the course of their daily business activities.
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